Meilleurs lieux de travail avec les équipes de direction les plus fiables 2025

L'autorité mondiale sur la culture du lieu de travail

Alimenté par notre modèle et plateforme propriétaires, nous proposons la Certification et les listes les plus respectées du lieu de travail, des données et des comparaisons inégalées, et des recherches et des perspectives leaders dans l'industrie, le tout soutenu par une abondance de ressources et une communauté florissante.

Êtes-vous prêt à construire une excellente culture d'entreprise ? Votre voyage commence ici.


Les entreprises certifiées Great Place To Work surpassent leurs concurrents


croissance plus rapide des revenus


meilleure performance boursière


plus susceptibles d'être choisis par les chercheurs d'emploi


meilleure rétention des employés

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Great Place to Work®

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Les leaders du marché font confiance à Great Place to Work

Hiring to reflect diversity isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also good for business

 Hiring to reflect diversity isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also good for business
Ensuring staff reflects the diversity of the community is good for a company’s bottom line. Research from Great Place to Work and Pride at Work Canada indicates that the more consistently all people in an organization — from front-line staff to top executives — consider their workplace to be great, the more that company gets a leg up on competitors in areas including growth, retention and going the “extra mile.”


It’s Pride season in Vancouver, which means the days are hotter, the nights are more fun and the city is out in full force celebrating diversity, individuality and love. The social scene feels more festive than usual, but there’s also a noticeable difference at the corporate level. Businesses across Canada are showing their support for Pride and getting more involved in the conversation about diversity.

As a lesbian and proud member of the LGBTQ community, I’m especially proud of the values that the corporate sector has so willingly embraced for so many years. In the case of my own organization, we currently support 63 Pride festivals and celebrations across North America, and are now in our eighth year as presenting sponsor of the Vancouver Pride Parade, which is always a huge highlight of my year.

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