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Part-Time vs Full-Time

 part time vs full time
I have a mix of part-time and full-time staff; in what ways should I be adapting my management style and/ or practices to best fit their needs?

Dear GPTW,

I have a mix of part-time and full-time staff; in what ways should I be adapting my management style and/ or practices to best fit their needs?

~ Part-time vs full-time ~

Dear Part-time vs full-time,

How do you engage part-time employees? 

Engaging part-time employees can be challenging since part-time work is usually associated with lower paying jobs which offer fewer benefits, a lack of flexible working arrangements and limited opportunity for career advancement. 

But when it comes to management practices, our research shows that full- and part-time employees in best workplaces have more things in common than differences. They share the same top drivers of employee engagement: supporting, teamwork, inclusiveness, and sharing-rewards. 

That being said, the two groups also have some differences. For example, celebrating is more important to full-time workers whereas part-time staff place a greater value on a conducive working environment. This is something to reflect on when evaluating your key priorities and practices as a manager. 

Top five drivers of engagement – full-time and part-time employees

Driver Ranking Driver
Supporting 1 Supporting
Teamwork 2 Teamwork
Inclusiveness 3 Inclusiveness
Celebrating 4 Sharing - Rewards
Sharing – Rewards 5 Working Environment

Source: Great Place to Work® Canada 2016

Our research further shows a similar pattern of key drivers for large (>1000 employees) vs. medium (<1,000 employees). One exception is that developing people is a more important driver than sharing-rewards for part-time workers in medium size best workplaces.

For more information on this research or to conduct an analysis within your organization, please contact Great Place to Work® Canada at (866) 712-0630

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